Hello World!

Writing for college is like mountain climbing. It’s hard, difficult, constructed one word at a time, just like a hiker puts one foot in front of the other, ignoring the soreness racking every limb, the overwhelming fatigue, a body demanding rest. The student writer must do the same: sit at a blank page and fill it, read and highlight, extracting the main points from the studied text, weaving words to earn the grade, to touch emotion, to make truth known.  Tiredness must be ignored, patience must be embraced, hard work must be accepted as fact.

But when the summit is reached, Hello World! the farthest horizon is seen, landscape takes breath away and every agonized groan, sleepless night and hours of monotony is forgotten, lost in the beauty of the discovery.

But such a view was only possible by hard work, yet it’s the view which made the hard work worth it!

So join me, as together, we learn how to write for college and life. I’ll teach what I know and practice it alongside.