Return on Investment

“Get your education,” my history professor told the young adults, taking notes on his lecture. “You can expect a return on your investment.” Four years post-graduation, I have definitely gained a return on my investment, although not near as smooth-sailing as I had envisioned, nor in the area of investment I would have originally chosen…but then again, life tends to work opposite of expectations!

You see, for three of four post-graduation years, I’ve worked as a substitute teacher both in public and charter schools, mostly five days a week, trying to teach the children of Grand Rapids both life skills and academics. As classes, I don’t believe they want to hear anything I try to impart; as individual children maybe. I could tell stories of my experiences which would literally curl toes and turn any upright responsible adult red-faced. Yet, equally true, I could give testimony to narratives which would either thrill because of tender beauty or pulverize the heart due to grotesque abhorrence. Then, as always, there are those stories which cause side-aches and tears from laughter. Yes, I’ve definitely experienced a return on my investment!

I’ve always wanted to offer individuals something worthwhile and lasting, not a temporal fix via consumerism in all its varied forms, but emotional connection and understanding. Words and literature have always been a huge part of my life, as has school, so I guess its natural for me to want to write and strive to provide an education to those who truly stand in need of it.

Therefore, I have two chief goals in mind, to write a novel and to teach Advanced Placement® classes to international and home-schooled students, for I have heard there’s a dire need to do the same.  Whether or not these will find fruition, who knows, for life rarely goes as planned.


Regardless, I desire to make a lasting difference. . .

To give individuals something of value. . .

To teach and train to think deep. . .

To continue to expect a return on my investment. . .







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